Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Great Date!

You know we had a stressful Thanksgiving and our plans while in Minneapolis included an overnight date at the Westin downtown. Our DS went with us and we all had a great day and evening together. We were able to do some Christmas shopping during the day. We changed a few charcoal poopity-doops...we were warned by the doctor...they were like something we had never seen before...see our previous post regarding the reason for the charcoal. We went to the Hollidazzle Parade and dinner at Palomino. DS was so sweet and really enjoyed himself. He went right to sleep in the Westin's Heavenly Bed and then DH and I got to enjoy some quality "Mommy and Daddy Time." Actually, this was one of the best dates we have ever been on, even though we had our little chaperone with us.


Robert J. Nash said...

We are so thankful that DS is better and safe. Wow isn't it amazing and comforting to know that God is in control.

I love your blog so keep writing. I love the menu plans...just a question about whether the girls eat everything with you all or do you make something else for them.

Another question is when have you found the best time to exercise.

Keep it up. Love, Katie

Jenna said...

Hi Katie,

Yes...God is good! We are so thankful. How are you all - your precious little ones? We had hoped to see you today at SGCC, but had to go home early due to a travel advisory for bad weather. Thanks for your kind words. I am new to blogging, but enjoying it immensely! I will answer your questions on a post because I think it would make a good I have thought maybe I should comment on what the children eat. Thanks again and keep reading! Love, Jenna