Sunday, November 30, 2008

I love Answering Questions...Part 2

Thanks again, Katie for a great question..."Another question is when have you found the best time to exercise."

If I can start an exercise routine and stick with it, then anyone can. I was not an athlete growing up...I did ride and show horses and swam, but I did not like running sports. In my thirties, I was gaining weight and feeling out of breath going upstairs. DH was feeling the same way about himself. I prayed about it because I hated to exercise. I felt the Lord urging me to exercise and that He would help me. So, with trust and faith in Him, we gave each other a treadmill as our Christmas gift and haven't looked back...that was four years ago this Christmas. DH has always ran on it and I have always walked. When I first started walking on the treadmill, I did it when DH was home to watch the it was after supper. I am not a morning exercise person, unless it means I am taking a walk outside, then I can be. I would exercise for 25 - 30 minutes while he watched and played with the children. (I used to exercise every day no matter what, even during my pregnancy with DS. Since his birth, I try to walk everyday, but it doesn't always happen. I try to at least five days a week.) I walk with three pound hand weights for most of my walk. As DD 13 got older and able to watch her sister, and then brother, I switched to before supper. This is by far my favorite time to exercise. I have supper made or mostly made and almost ready to eat. Then I am done my workout and ready for the rest of the evening with the family. If I don't get to it before DH gets home, then I will walk after supper, but not after 8:00 pm. If the weather is nice, I add outside walks to my routine. I prefer to walk outside in the mornings or evenings...with DH and the children. The children are either walking, riding their bikes, or in the Burley. DH will run in the morning before work or after supper, after me if I still need to walk. He runs every other day. I love walking now and my health, at age 41, has dramatically improved over the last four years. Praise God! I only wish I had started sooner...but it is never too late.

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