Sunday, November 16, 2008

This one is for you, Ed and Sue

Saturdays are great, and yesterday was no exception. Our friends from Minnesota -Ed, Sue, and their children - stopped by our home on their way to their new home in Pennsylvania. How good it is to see old friends...and they look so good for being old! Hee hee! The DHs took the children to the waterpark for some fun in the water before dinner. We love this family and had a great time fellowshipping and eating take out Chinese food with them. I had planned a different meal, but my DH had been craving Chinese all week, so that's what we had...spicy Hunan Chicken, Orange Chicken, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Beef and Broccoli, Sesame Chicken and Chicken with Veggies...we like our chicken...all washed down with a tasty beverage. We finished the meal with a homemade banana cream pie. We wish Ed and Sue all the best in their home...I always say good food makes good company even better.

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